Russia presently has established, tested and widely used comprehensive and modern rating system for higher education institutions.

Russia has more than 700 higher education institutions with over 500 their branches (without counting higher education institutions training personnel for defence and security of the state, enforcement of law and order.

They include two universities with special legal status (Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University), 10 federal universities and 29 national research universities. The Russian higher education system also includes a group of universities with the status of core universities. This group includes regional higher education institutions based on unification of existing higher education institutions, aimed at supporting the Russian Federation subjects. More than 74% of Russian higher education institutions are state or municipal.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education regularly collects an array of data on universities and education programmes. The data is available to analysts and ranking authors. However, the Ministry does not publish its own rankings.

The first surge of interest in university rankings in Russia took place in 2004-2005, shortly after appearance of the Shanghai ranking. However, this interest was rather purely academic. However, in 2012 Russian universities initiated a proposal to make a ranking. There were two reasons:

In 2014 – 2016 at the initiative of the Russian Union of Rectors, supported by the President of Russia, work began on the Moscow International Ranking “Three University Missions” (MosIUR), resulted in a new methodology and a new rating model. The goal is to obtain an objective tool for comparing Russian universities and universities in other countries. In 2017 the MosIUR pilot issue publication contained 200 best world universities. In 2021-2022 MosIUR is used for purposes of government regulation and planning; a family of ratings “Three University Missions” is set. In 2024 the eighth edition of the ranking contained 2000 best universities from 112 countries.

The general picture of compiling and using rankings in Russia is as follow:

  1. Since 2012, two Russian national rankings regularly get published in Russia:
    • RAEX-100 – 100 best universities, compiled by the RAEX consortium
    • Rating of Russian universities by the Interfax news agency
  2. One global ranking: Moscow international ranking “Three University Missions”
  3. Subject and other rankings of the “Three University Missions” family
  4. In addition, media regularly attempts to make rankings of their own: Forbes, RIA Novosti and many others. However, such rankings miss regularity and stable methodology, or concentrated on certain aspects.”
  5. The relevant ministry (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia):
    • Conducts and publishes regular statistical research “Monitoring”. This is rather not a ranking, but an array of data used by researchers and ranking compilers;
    • While implementing programs to support and develop universities, the Ministry uses their individual indicators, but the assessment does not hold the form of a ranking.

National university rankings are used both at the federal and international levels:

Basic principles of the “Three University Missions” ranking:

  1. Focus on the university public role. It involves impact on society, considers needs of society, usefulness to society, your country and your region. The feature was reflected in the ranking name – “Three University Missions”: education, science, interaction with society.
  2. The ranking uses exclusively objective indicators. On the one hand, it should increase credibility – all the indicators are measurable and verifiable. On the other hand, we do not depend on the mood of universities. We are independent of their decision to provide or not provide data. All ranking data comes from independent sources or public university reports. And it is more difficult to falsify a public report than a closed ranking questionnaire. There are too many interested observers around. Incorrect data would raise questions from students, professors, general public and authorities.
  3. Involving academic community and a wide range of international experts into rating methodology development. The methodology and results were discussed by the international expert council of leading specialists from 16 countries and at dozens of rectors’ forums of over 3,000 rectors from various countries

The family of rankings includes almost all known types of rankings:

This years (2024) final ranking includes 2,000 universities from 112 countries. Possibly, it is the most representative global ranking.

Its disadvantages include the fact that only 17 indicators were found for international comparisons. These indicators are applicable to universities in all countries. However, the universality has its downside: some of the indicators (for example, financial ones) you can obtain with a large delay - 2-3 years.

As the name of the ranking family suggests, the rating model is the same for all rankings and consists of three factors, each corresponds to one of university’s missions:

In relation to international rankings (the Moscow International Ranking and the Ranking of the BRICKS Universities), these components cover the following indicators and metrics: